Doggie Daycare
Doggie Daycare
A fun stimulating day with play with friends, outside time, walks, music, and naptime!
Service Description
Our Doggie Daycare service allows you to make sure your pet is well taken care of, having fun, having open playtime indoors and outdoors, and is ready for a relaxing evening at home. *** A free pre-daycare assessment will be required prior to daycare services being scheduled. *** Olive + Company, A Pet Care Service, INC.™ offers this service for all sizes and breeds. Doggie Daycare capacity is limited to 2-3 dogs at a time; services will be based on breeds compatibility, each pet's demeanor, each pets needs, and our site capacity. A free pre-boarding assessment will be required prior to boarding services being scheduled.
Cancellation Policy
Please cancel or reschedule five(5) days in advance for boarding or you will be subject to a full service fee. All other service require one(1) day in advance notice to avoid being subject to a full service fee.