Doggie Transport
Doggie Transport
Taxi Service for your Dog
Service Description
Olive+Company , A Pet Care Service, INC. can help with getting your pup from A to B when you are unavailable , such as the groomer, vet, your office, etc. There will be a Flat fee charge of$12.00 for 5 miles or less one way from zipcode (30078) An additional $1.00 fee will be added for each additional 1 mile Examples of Transport Fees A. Distance from 30078 to 30047= 4.9 miles, flat fee =$12.00/one way ; Total fee: $12.00/one way B. Distance from 30078 to 30033=15 miles, flat fee$12.00/one way flat fee +10 additional miles ($1 for every additional mile(10 additional miles/$10.00 additional charge=$10)=Flat Fee($12.00) +Additional mileage fee($10.00)=Total $22.00/one way
Cancellation Policy
Please cancel or reschedule five(5) days in advance for boarding or you will be subject to a full service fee. All other service require one(1) day in advance notice to avoid being subject to a full service fee.