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Pre-Boarding and Daycare Assessment

We want to meet with you your pup to assess their behavior and temperament with other dogs and kids

  • 30 min

Service Description

In order to ensure your pup is a good fit for boarding and/or daycare for Olive+Company, A Pet Care Service, INC. , a pre-screening will need to be conducted for daycare and boarding services. Location varies and will be determined between the pup owner and Olive+Company, A Pet Care Service, INC. staff.

Cancellation Policy

Please cancel or reschedule five(5) days in advance for boarding or you will be subject to a full service fee. All other service require one(1) day in advance notice to avoid being subject to a full service fee.

Subscribe Form


*We are fully licensed and insured in the state of Georgia, USA*

©2022-2023 by Olive+Company, A Pet Care Service, INC ™

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